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Phone: +48 78 58 78 421
born: 1978, 4/21 in Szczecin |
Miodowa 121/5, 71-497 Szczecin |
E d u c a t i o n
2006 | MASTER OF ECONOMICS | Master thesis "The development possibilities of active- and ecotourism on a basis of environmental bicycle routes Oder-Neisse and Zielona Odra". Supervisor: prof US dr hab. A. Panasiuk. | |
Oral exams in topics:
- The Social Teaching of the Catholic Church in the encyclicas of John Paul II (in German) - Philosophical consequences of quantum physics (in German) - Concept of 'tacit knowledge' by M. Polanyi (in English) |
10.2004 03.2006 | ECONOMICS
Tourism and Hotel Management |
Faculty of Management and Economics of Services (WZiEU)
The University of Szczecin, Szczecin |
10.2003 06.2004 |
Högskolan Kristianstad, Malmö Högskola
The Öresund University |
10.2001 06.2004 | COMPUTER SCIENCE
Applied Computer Science |
Faculty of Physics
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań |
10.1997 04.2003 | CULTURAL SCIENCES
Comparative Social Sciences |
Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder) |
W o r k e x p e r i e n c e
since 10.2003 | ENTREPRENEUR |
INCITIVE Incentives for a citizen-friendly spatial development
Self-employed consultant, Szczecin (PL) |
since 01.2008 | PART-TIME WORKER |
Adecco Hospitality, Oslo
Working in shops (cashier, merchandiser) all over Oslo (N) |
09.2009 03.2010 | CARRIER |
Aftenposten Distibusjon, Region Vest
Delivering newspapers to the subscribers (sunday routes 1-9 a.m.), Oslo (N) |
04.2009 07.2009 | PUBLISHING EDITOR |
Regional informational website, Szczecin (PL) |
11.2008 02.2009 | BARTENDER |
Szczecińska Gubałówka
Szczecin (PL) |
01.2008 10.2008 | CARRIER |
Aftenposten Distibusjon, Region Nord
Delivering newspapers to the subscribers (morning and afternoon routes: 2-6 a.m., 3-5 p.m.), Oslo (N) |
03.2005 06.2006 | ASSISTANT/COORDINATOR |
MBA Management for Central and Eastern Europe
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (D) |
02.2004 04.2004 | GUEST TEACHER | Entrepreneurship – subject in a secondary school, in three final year classes
Secondary School of General Education: LO I,Szczecin (PL) |
11.2003 01.2004 | TRAINEE |
MBA Management for Central and Eastern Europe
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (D) |
10.2003 | TRAINEE |
Region Skåne, Regional Development Department
Region Skåne, Kristianstad (S) |
07.2003 09.2003 | PHYSICAL WORKER | Tür- und Fensterreparaturservice Rolf Kühn, Frankfurt (Oder)
Replacement of doors and windows in residential estates |
06.2003 07.2003 | TRAINEE | Joint Spatial Planning Department (Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung, GL 6)
Land Berlin / Land Brandenburg (D) |
04.2002 04.2005 | PROJECT COORDINATOR | Internet Gallery of Scouting Photography
Headquarters of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association |
07.2001 03.2003 | ASSISTANT | Chair of Corporate Economics. In particular providing training and continuing education to managers with university degrees
Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder) |
06.2001 | WEBSITE DESIGNER | rey team adventure sp. z o.o.
Specialist and Friends |
05.2000 10.2000 | BOOKSTORE EMPLOYEE | Bertelsmann “Der Club” Bookshop, Frankfurt (Oder)
05.1999 07.1999 | OFFICE EMPLOYEE | “Remet” Advertising Agency, Słubice
08.1998 09.1998 | TRAINEE | Psychological and School Counselling Centre
Department of Educaton, Land Berlin |
since 02.1997 | MAGAZINE EDITOR | Szczecin Pogodno Troop of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
V o l u n t a r y &
h o b b i e s
2007 |
2006 | 2. Prenzlauer Hügelmarathon - 208 km
Participation in a cycling marathon |
since 2005 |
Danmarks Turistrad Kobenhavn, VisitDenmark |
2004 | INTERNATIONAL OBSERVER | Presidential election in Ukraine (Repeated 2nd round)
Polling station in the 55th district, Mariupol’ (Donieck region) |
2002 |
PASSIVE MEMBER | Viadrin@lumni e.V.
Association of the Viadrina European University alumni |
2000 2001 | MEMBER | AIESEC
Local committee Frankfurt (Oder), Team Marketing |
1996 |
BLOOD DONOR | donated ca. 30 l. of blood, plasma and platelets | |
2006 2008 | SUPPORTING MEMBER | Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP)
specialist in the field of internal communication coworker of the Headquarters' Divisions: of the Strategy Implementation; of Research and Analysis |
2001 2006 | TRAINER | Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP)
1995 2006 | INSTRUCTOR | Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP)
among all team leader, vicepresident of a local instructor development commission, president of a regional rovers chapter, head of a regional information division, head (national) of the scout posts. Scout since 1990. |
P u b l i c a t i o n s
borun.info - own publications and other texts | ||
2006 | On the appropriateness of using former German place names in tourist information regarding Western Pomerania [in:] Zeszyty Naukowe "Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki", Issue No 7. Szczecin, Uniwersystet Szczeciński. | ||
2006 | Parks and gardens of West Pomerania - a guide of the West-Pomeranian Region. | ||
2004 | Main assumptions for the architectural and spatial concept of tourist route Fortifications of Świnoujście” [in:] Fortyfikacje, vol. XVI. Warszawa, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Fortyfikacji. | ||
2004 | Conclusions from the archival query of the fortifications of Świnoujście (with Olaf Bade) [in:] Fortyfikacje, vol. XVI. Warszawa, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Fortyfikacji. | ||
T r a i n i n g & c e r t i f i c a t e s
2010 |
International Bartender and Sommelier School, Warsaw |
2006 |
Gründer-Seminar -
training course on starting an enterprise in Brandenburg
Lotsendienst Frankfurt(Oder) |
2006 |
SPSS - Introduction
Victor-Gollancz-Volkshochschule Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Berlin |
2005 |
Seminar on Strategic Planning in Central-Eastern Europe, Oradea (Romania)
World Organization of the Scout Movement, European Region |
2003 |
Training course for journalists and press spokesmen, Bukowina Tatrzańska
The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, Ministry of National Defence |
2002 2003 |
Informational meetings for German students from abroad
AGEF gGmbH at the International Radio Exhibition (IFA), ICC Berlin |
2002 |
5th Management Seminar, Kandersteg (Switzerland)
World Organization of the Scout Movement, European Region |
2002 |
Training Course for Training Team Managers
Central Leaders’ Training Centre of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (CSI ZHP) |
2001 |
Training course of Troop Commanders
Central Leaders’ Training Centre of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (CSI ZHP) |
2000 |
European Computer Driving Licence
2000 |
Workshop in staff recruitment and assessment techniques
Adecco |
1999 |
Training course for insurance agents Dresden, Halle (Saale), Cottbus/Chóśebuz
Hamburg-Mannheimer, ERGO Gruppe |
1997 |
Training course for managers of vacation centres for children and teenagers
002/KK/97 |
1996 |
First Certificate in English
P e r s o n a l i t y
E N T P - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) | ||
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P r o j e c t s
coordination (if not stated otherwise) | ||
2010 |
Research of traffic and passenger opinions on the Szczecin - Lübeck railway route
INCITIVE for Omniphon (Leipzig) & Intraplan (München) |
2009 |
Concept of an interactive turistic-ecological map of Szczecin
INCITIVE for the Municipality of Szczecin. Implementation: Vistrad |
2007 |
Traffic measurement along the national and regional public roads in Szczecin
INCITIVE for Zarząd Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego, Municipality of Szczecin |
2006 | Information brochure on ports, harbours and marinas in the Polish-German part of the Pomerania Euroregion INCITIVE for Województwo Zachodniopomorskie (Westpomeranian Region) | ||
2005 - 2006 | Marketing research "West-Pomeranian – a new brand in consumers’ mind." INCITIVE for Województwo Zachodniopomorskie | ||
2005 |
CrossCulturalConsultant 2006 - preparing and organizing training modules
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Central European School of Management |
2005 |
An advertising campaign for MBA published in Warsaw Business Journal - draft and preparation
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), MBA - Management for Central and Eastern Europe |
2005 |
Publication "Bicycle excursions along the routes of Pomerania’s monuments of technology" - 2 parts
INCITIVE for Euroregion Pomerania, Löcknitz (INTERREG III B Baltic+) |
2005 | Feasibility study of development of active and ecological cross-border tourism based on "Oder-Neisse" and "Zielona Odra" bicycle routes. INCITIVE for Województwo Zachodniopomorskie | ||
2004 |
Research of traffic and passenger opinions on the Szczecin - Berlin railway connections.
INCITIVE for Euroregion Pomerania, Löcknitz (INTERREG III B Baltic+) |
2004 | Analysis of fares and timetables of public transport providers in Lubuskie voivodship. INCITIVE for Województwo Lubuskie (Lubuskie Region) | ||
2004 |
The concept of making available to tourists the historical fortifications of Świnoujście
INCITIVE & mxl4-architekci for the City Świnoujście |
2003 | Research of traffic and passenger opinions on the Szczecin - Berlin railway routes and road border crossings INCITIVE & veco GmbH for Euroregion Pomerania, Löcknitz (INTERREG III B Baltic+) | ||
2002 - 2005 |
Internet Gallery of Scouting Photography
Headquarters of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association - Internet Team, then Dept. of Promotion and Information |
2001 - 2003 | Corporate Governance Information and Forecasting System (CGIFOS) working on the tools of gathering the information from the inustry managers - Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) |